3-D Stegosaurus Puzzle

Stegosaurus Puzzle Number of pieces:   12

Actual dimensions:   4.75" long (approx.)

Material:   Precision laser-cut wood

Price:  $12.00 U.S.

Objective:   To assemble the 12 pieces to form a Dinosaur.

Description:   Etymology: New Latin, from Greek stegos roof + sauros lizard : any of a genus (Stegosaurus) of stegosaurs known from the Upper Jurassic rocks especially of Colorado and Wyoming

NAME: Meaning - Stegosaurus means "roof lizard" or "plated lizard"
Pronounced - STEG-o-SAWR-us
Named By - Othniel Marsh
When Named - 1877
DIET: Herbivore (plant-eater) - Stegosaurus probably ate ferns, smaller club mosses, cycads, horsetails, and bushy conifers.
SIZE: Length - 26-30 feet long (8-9 m) long
Height - 9 feet (2.75 m) tall at the hips
Weight - 6,800 pounds (3100 kg)
WHEN IT LIVED: Late Jurassic period, about 156-140 million years ago
WHERE IT LIVED: Fossils have been found in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming, USA, North America.
FOSSILS: The first Stegosaurus fossil was found in Colorado, USA, in 1876 by M. P. Felch. Others have been found since then.
  • Kingdom Animalia (animals)
  • Phylum Chordata (having a hollow nerve chord ending in a brain)
  • Class Archosauria (diapsids with socket-set teeth, etc.)
  • Order Ornithischia - bird-hipped dinosaurs
  • Suborder Thyreophora
  • Superfamily Stegosauria
  • Family Stegosauridae
  • Genus Stegosaurus
  • Species S. armatus (type species named by Marsh, 1877)
Stegosaurus had 17 bony plates that were embedded in its back - the plates ran along the Stegosaurus' back and tail in two rows, and the plates alternated in alignment. The largest of these triangular plates was about 2.5 ft (76 cm) tall and just as long. Stegosaurus also had spikes at the end of its flexible tail (these are called thagomizers).

Although Stegosaurus was about the size of a bus, it had a small head (the size of a horse's head) and a brain that was only the size of a walnut!

Each puzzle is supplied with an "Objective Sheet" that explains what it is that you are supposed to do.   This sheet also includes a picture/drawing of the puzzle in the unsolved condition, (similar to the one at the top of this page), so there is a reference to look at when putting it back together.

Puzzle solutions are also included with the shipment but are not sealed in the puzzle wrapper.   This is done so that the purchaser can make the decision as to when to give the solution to the person that is receiving the puzzle, (as a gift, for example).

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